

Full-Color Comic by Joe Six-Pack

At Hargrove High School somewhere in the United States, a new Teaching Assistant has gotten a new job. He’s assisting a young teacher by the name of Ms. Wheeler, or as he gets to know her, Julie.

Connor is excited for the opportunity. Not that he’s that excited about teaching. He doesn’t much like high school, and is only taking the job as means to get his certification. After that, he never wants to see it again.

His distaste for the high school social structure is palpable. It’s a sentiment most of the teachers share. They dislike how dumb their student are, and how the constant chasing of popularity has ruined school life. Connor is especially dismayed by the way jock and girls interact, likening it to a whorehouse or a prison.

But one day, the school has arranged for a day where the students dress up at their teachers, and the teachers dress up as their students. Encouraged by Julie, Connor is dressed up as one of the tarty high school girls the school seems full of — but plans get a little mixed up, and before he knows it, Connor will get the chance to see “What Popular Girls Do” first hand, and he’ll be on the arm of the biggest jock bully in school, scared for his life.

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What Popular Girls Do


Rated “R” for heavy sexual situations


• Identity Loss

• Total Transformation

• Reluctant Transformee

• High School

Comic. 47 pages.

• Full color, hand-drawn, 180+ panels.

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $12.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by lulu.com

Preview the first 12 pages. 6MB PDF Download.

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