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by Joe Six-Pack

aka “A Change for the Better?”

Color Illustrations by Joe Six-Pack

A "Stories of the Supernatural" Story

Evan had a dead-end job and a boss he truly hated. One day, he just vents his frustration, and gets himself fired. Now he’s out of work and running out of money. He wishes he could have a do-over and keep his job.

Unexpectedly, and in the most strange and peculiar way, he gets what he wants. Not only does he get to live the events of his dismissal over again, and avoid getting fired, but his world is a little different. He’s successful, rich and powerful. It’s everything he ever wanted.

Then Evan finds himself right back where he started, unemployed and poor. He decides it’s worth any risk to try again.

Sure enough, he’s transported into a new life, but this one isn’t what he had in mind. He’s not rich. He’s not powerful. But he doesn’t clearly remember what his old life was before the change, so maybe this is what he wanted all along? He’s not sure.

But he has more lives to lead after that. Each one a little bit different from the last. But each life is getting more and more feminine. The trouble is, he can’t remember the difference. How much more feminine is he going to get? And how much is he about to lose before he runs out of chances to do-over his mistake?

Book. Kindle ePub.

• Instantly downloadable for $6.99

• Single publication

• Fulfillment by

Rated "X" for graphic sexual descriptions.


• Step-by-Step Change

• Character Change

• Strip Club

• Workplace Secretary

• Magic

Book. 56 pages.

• 18 illustrations in color

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $5.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by

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