
by Cheryl Lynn

Color Illustrations by The Might Fenek

A "Teens Transformed" Story

Young teen Samuel had grown up with a father who spent most his time working in far-off plcaes. That meant that Samuel needed someone to look after him. Someone who would look after Samuel’s needs.

Unfortunately, Samuel’s father isn’t very attentive to his son, nor is he very good at making the best decisions when it comes to raising his son.

Enter Margo, a man-hating woman who has an axe to grind. She knows a sweet setup when she sees it, and takes over as Samuel’s guardian in the absence of Samuel’s father.

Margo decides that spending her time with a boy isn’t to her tastes, and goes about giving Samuel the gift of womanhood – whether he wants it or not.

So Samuel’s story is a coming-of-age tale, only he’s coming of age as a girl, not as the man he so wanted to be. Using subliminals, forced dressing and a regimen of girly lessons, Margo is determined to stop Samuel from becoming like his neglectful father. And as Samantha emerges, Samuel’s desires soon vanish as femininity overwhelms him, changing the course of his life forever.


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Creating Samantha


Rated "X" for sexual depictions.


• Slow Change

• Hormonal Change

• Salon Makeover

• Forced Feminization

• Mind Control

• Identity Loss

Book. 70 pages.

• 16 illustrations in color

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $7.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by lulu.com

Preview the first 30 pages. PDF Download.

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