Born Leaders

by Joe Six Pack

Color Illustrations by Joe Six-Pack

A “Stories of the Supernatural” Tale

Matt and Todd were a couple of stoners who were still living in the basement. One day, while doing… Nothing… they come across an invitation for a well-known summer camp. A camp for teaching cheerleading.

The invitation was never meant for them — it was meant for Nicole and Brianna Lannigan, who lived next door. The mail was delivered to them by mistake, but this little error sparks an idea in their hazy minds. 

Why not use these invitations to sneak into a cheerleading camp? It will be a camp full of beautiful, peppy teenage girls, and they would be the only boys there. A virtual paradise for young men.

After preparing their disguises, intending to pass themselves off as girls, they find themselves at the holy grail of horny boys everywhere. An all-girls cheerleading camp. The difficulty is that it all goes too easily.

No one even questions why two extremely masculine campers have arrived, and even worse, they’re not the most butch campers there. Their dream is turning out to be a total let-down.

But the Oak Pines Cheer Camp always turns out beautiful, champion cheerleaders — no matter what they have to work with.

Co-Published with Slightly expanded with all-new illustrations. Originally published by in 2003.


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Rated "PG" for mild sexual content.


• Slow Change

• Bimbo

• Cheerleading

• Magical Change

• Total Male to Female

Book. 49 pages.

• 17 illustrations in color

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $7.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by

• Co-Published with

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