
by Cheryl Lynn

Color Illustrations by Joe Six-Pack

A "Seriously Sissified" Story

Margaret positively hated her brother-in-law. Despised him. Wanted him gone. Wanted him dead. More so than any other person she had ever met, she wanted that man to feel pain. He had always treated her like dirt and did his utmost to keep her from seeing her beloved little sister. 

Their feelings were mutual. He felt about her just as strongly as she did about him. That hatred continued until he was thrown into prison and her sister moved back to town. However, there was David to consider. He, like his father, hated Margaret just as much. With her sister having to work out of town one week a month, Margaret had David right where she wanted him. 

Over ten months, gradually, David becomes less and less of the man he wanted to be and more and more the girl his aunt is determined to make him into. Is there any way out for David? Can he count on his mother to save him? Will he be able to keep his friends from finding out what his aunt is doing to him?

Written by Cheryl Lynn, author of “Politically Corrected,” and dozens of other forced-feminization favorites.


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Auntie's Girl Time


Rated "PG" for sexual
suggestion & language.


• Slow Change

• Hormonal Change

• Salon Makeover

• Forced Feminization

• Little Girl Dresses

Book. 79 pages.

• 20 illustrations in color

• Instantly downloadable PDF for $7.95

• PDF edition with no copy protection

• Fulfillment by lulu.com

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